Saturday, December 12, 2009

Under what authority?

Under what authority does the pay czar, Kenneth Feinberg, have to tell a private company how much compensation it's employees can receive? Where in the Constitution of the United States of America does this authority exist? When did Congress pass a law giving anyone in the administration this authority?

It is time to wake up folks and smell the burning coffee pot. This act is one of many that must be stopped and overthrown. It can not be allowed to go forward. If this is allowed under the guise of 'we bailed them out so we have the right' we allow it to further expand to everyone. Once a government rule starts it only grows until it covers everyone. That means YOU! Some bureaucrat will soon be telling you how much you can make. Is your job green enough? You might get a raise. Does you company support a favored political class? You might get a raise, just remember to contribute most if not all of it to the favored political class or you might end up with a full pay cut.

This headlong ride into socialism must stop NOW! It is past time to revolt against this overthrow of the United States. This coup must be overthrown by ALL means and its authors tried, convicted for treason, and fully dealt with.

Or you can just say yes master, your servant obeys you master, and go back to sleep.

Ken Lowder

Monday, November 9, 2009

Despicable conduct.

I have never seen a more despicable act by a president then I saw yesterday. I'm talking about barrak hussein obama's remark about the terrorist attack at Fort Hood on unarmed soldiers and civilians. When channel 2 tuned in bho was halfway through his prepared remarks after a department of the interior conference. I saw this yahoo shout out and wave a greeting to a friend before he finished the remarks off his teleprompter. When this disgrace was done he then said a few kind things about our fallen and wounded soldiers. I see today that he is going to visit Walter Reed Hospital, not the injured in Fort Hood.

Can you imagine GWB finishing a conference and closing remarks, giving a glad hand to Karl Rove, before remarking about the fall of the World Trade towers? Can you imagine GWB not going to the site of the tragedy , but instead going to some downtown with tall buildings, way away from the site to give remarks? Of course not! As much as I dislike GWB for his dismantling of the Constitution He would NEVER do anything so despicable.

This yahoo MUST go before he apologizes for the terrorist need to have killed these soldiers.

Ken Lowder

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lets start starving the beast.

Here's a couple of ideas to help starve the beast of a government that we have.

As soon as possible change your deductions on your W-4 to the max ALLOWED BY LAW! This will stop the interest free loan that most folks give the government every year when they get money back as a refund for over paying their taxes. On April 15th 2010 you will owe, which is how it should be. If you are getting a refund file as soon as possible. Your not getting any interest and the government may not give it back if they don't want to. Just ask any Californian what happened to their tax refunds last year. When you owe don't pay any sooner than april 14th.

Start withdrawing any EXCESS funds from your savings and turn it into silver or gold American Eagles and hide them somewhere safe, but not in a bank safe deposit box. If the bank closes the door is locked and you can't get your funds until the government examiners look through the banks assets including the vault. You just may find your box empty. Remember to keep your mouth shut that you keep silver or gold around. Should you need it you can go to the bank and convert it back to greenbacks. This will reduce the funds available for the banks to waste.

Ken Lowder

Monday, October 26, 2009

Time to say NO!

It's time to change the tune of this song. It's time to say NO! to politicians at all levels and those who support them. No more will we pay your taxes. No more will we buy the products or use the services of those who support you. No more will we obey your laws. No more will we convict people for doing this either.

You do not listen to us when we say we don't want these laws and tax bills so we no longer listen to you. We will not assist you in anyway shape or form. We are on strike against the government and those who willingly aid and abet in the destruction of the Constitution of the United States and our American way of life.

Now is the time to stop calling congress about bills we don't like. It's a waste of air and internet time. Tell your congressional rep that they are fired and that you will be ignoring their laws. They can try to enforce them at their own peril. Tell them that they have yet to pass a law that meets the muster of the Constitution. Since the laws don't meet the Constitution's limits or requirements they are not laws that you or I will obey. When Pelosi, Reid, and others scoff at us ON CAMERA! when asked if the laws are constitutional we have all the information we need to make a right decision.

Our state and local politicians are no better. Every day more and more restrictions are placed on our liberties. Sure they use good excuses but the truth is it's really about income for the government and control. We do not want or need a nanny that the government wants to put on us from the time we get up until the time we go to bed.

They all took an OATH to protect, defend and OBEY the Constitution of the United States of America and to the states that they serve. If they will not obey the Supreme Law of the Land why should we obey them?

I say NO! You should too or get used to saying 'yes master' to these evil people.

Ken Lowder

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Vote 2010

The 2010 election season is now upon us and the question is will this be the last time we get to do that ever. Will America survive, or will we fall into a socialist marxist mire and die as a free country. The answer will depend on your vote. Will you vote as a free person and vote for the best qualified, conservative, God fearing and loving, Constitution supporting candidate? Will you just vote for someone with an 'R' next to their name and hope for the best?

Now is the time to vote with your conscious and loose the fear that makes you vote for the lessor of two evils. This willingness to vote for the lessor of two evils is what got us here. The lessor of two evils vote got us McCain as our choice for president. Now is the time to stand up and be counted before God and Country. You must vote only for those who are true to what they say they will do. Those who have proven themselves to only be the lessor of two evils must not be voted for. Vote for someone else or vote for no one if there is no satisfactory candidate. If all the GOP will offer is a candidate with an 'R' next to his name then they are evil and the GOP should and must lose again.

Any party or candidate that will not listen and obey you, the folks that they represent, is not worth your vote or respect. Any party that can not or will not hold it's elected members to it's written platform is not a party that you want to be supporting. If this is your party then turn away from it and let it fall.

This Nation is in trouble because we have turned from our roots. This Nation has rejected wisdom of the Bible, our God, and the Constitution. We must return to what worked and made us great, or fall into the dustbin of history. As for me I stand with that which made us free and the greatest nation on earth. God and the Constitution of the United States. Millions of people over the years since this country was founded came here for a better life. That is what America was founded on. Now millions come here to get what they can for free.

It is past time to really take America back. The vote in 2010 WILL be our last chance to turn back the clock. How will you vote?

Ken Lowder

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"This meeting can do nothing more to save the country!"

"This meeting can do nothing more to save the country!", Samual Adams.

Have the liberals finally brought us to this point? Will it take a new war of independence to throw off the shackles of this arrogant marxist regime? Must America fall into civil war to preserve what little of it that remains? Can nothing stop the liberal onslaught on our lives, liberties, and freedoms? It really looks like the options are really winding down to only one. Good men and women must stand up to turn back the tide or let America fall along with the Constitution of the United States.

Just last saturday a million and a half americans went to Washington DC to protest this socialist takeover of America. Did you see any if it? Then you must have been watching the Fox Network or have been on the internet. In what was the largest protest in the history of our nation, nothing of good value was said on the network news. One network said it was a few thousand, another said maybe 60-70 thousand. News agencies outside the United States put the march in the two million range. Our leaders said very little. The presidents press secretary shrugged his shoulders and said he knew nothing about the event happening. President obama apparently saw nothing when he flew over on his way to an event out of Washington DC.

The left was so bad they brought out jimmy carter to call us all racist since we oppose the president. You know it's pissing the liberals off when they play the race card. You also know that's the only card that they have left in the deck. They just can't get the message that America is saying NO! to them. After all they won the election. That has to be mandate right? The truth is that they didn't win the election so much as the lame gop lost it. That is something which is still lost on the leadership of the republican party.

The majority of Americans STILL want a conservative, limited, and responsible government. That is not what the leftist socialist democrats or the middle of the road republicans are. All of this disgust has led up to protest not seen since the 60's. The biggest difference so far between then and now has been the level of violence. With millions of honest Americans being vilified, slandered, demeaned, and ignored our 'leaders' are bringing us to the brink. They ignore that we are not a democracy but a republic and they need to represent US as that's what we elected them to do.

America must return to our roots if it is going to survive as a free nation. The government must be returned to a constitutional form as laid out in the Constitution of the United States. Our leaders must obey the Constitution and hold to their oaths of office. It is time for good men and women to say NO! you will turn back. This is the only way to save our GOD given inalienable rights. We will not meet with you and discuss this anymore as "This meeting can do nothing more to save the country"

Ken Lowder

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A temporary spine

Wow! did you see Representative Joe Wilson grow a spine on tv last night? I hope you did because it didn't last. By morning he was calling the white house and apologizing to the president for calling the liar a liar. The president said that his health care plan didn't cover illegal immigrants. Technically that's true, however when the republicans, led by Joe Wilson, tried to put that language into the bill the democrats removed it. Since there is no provision to require proof of citizenship prior to coverage, you can expect that the regulations will contain a provision prohibiting checking of citizenship. That's the way the communist in charge now work. They say one thing and do the other once the bill passes. They still think that the public hasn't caught onto this tactic

The republicans are trying to stay in the middle of the road. They hope with this strategy that they will regain power in 2010. The problem is they are still not listening to the voters. The American public doesn't believe the president or congress. The republicans had a chance to back Joe and show the public some spine. That chance was shot down in flames by morning. All third parties need to bring this right to the public's face.

The public is tired of washington. We are tired of hearing one thing and then the government doing another. I am tired of hearing our congressional reps state that they don't know what a bill does or doesn't allow or prohibit. We the People of America are not as ignorant as they think. We are awake to their tricks. This next election cycle, if we get to it, will be a blood bath for incumbents. 57 % of voters think congress should be replaced in its entirety. More lies by the democrats and no spine from the GOP will ensure that this will reach 80% by November fourth 2010.

Now is the time for americans and third parties to stand up for the Constitution. We must return our path to the restrictions on government that the Constitution imposes. We must find candidates that will support and obey the Constitution. The only hope for real change for the better is to change out all of the rouges in washington and restore the Constitution of the United States to its proper place in our hearts, lives and government.

Ken Lowder

Monday, September 7, 2009

The three biggest issues to take total control

All of this comes back to the Constitution and how its been trashed. There are three things happening now or in the near term that will completely enslave us and only a civil war may restore our Republic and the Constitution. If we want to avoid this we need to get off out butts and united to RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION.

Food - The NAIS laws and the new agriculture regulations that are coming into effect will control what we eat. These regulations give total unconstitutional control to the government. This is all in the name of food safety. You and I will not even be able to grow gardens or raise a few chickens on the side. We will need to register with the government, provide a plan of what we intend to grow, set up setbacks to prevent contamination of our gardens, give the government unlimited rights to inspect our property and books, ect. It will be impossible to comply and the fines for non-compliance are astronomical. These laws and rules are already in effect. Some will say that the NAIS law is voluntary. So is paying income taxes. You volunteer at the point of the governments gun. This is the most dangerous law to me. Folks will put up with a lot as long as their bellies are full. Hungry people are the most dangerous. Starving folks will follow anyone who promises them food.

Cap and Trade - Control of our energy by its means of production and its uses. This one has already been approved in the House of UN-representatives. It is also on the fast track in the senate. The nuclear option has been threatened in that should the senates version be approved the two bills will just be combined by a simple majority vote and sent to obuma for signature without a reconciliation bill be put forth for a vote. This is all under the name of saving the planet from global warming or climate change as its called now. Never mind that warming and cooling has been around since the planet came into existence and the science has been proven to be junk. This is really all about controlling our means of production and its uses through controlling the energy we need to survive and to thrive.

Health care reform - Lastly control of whether we get to live or die. The right to control our health treatment and say what we get treated for and how is just outright total communism. The state will totally take over our health care and say what they will and won't pay for. Are you too young of too old to produce for the state? Tier two for you. Are you right in the middle, well tier one for you. There will be no other options for you to use. Your keeping your own health insurance is a lie. As soon as your private insurance makes ANY changes to your policy you must take the public option. Also private insurance will never be able to compete with the public trough. Private doctors and hospitals will close under the burden of government regulations and mandates. They are already doing it now.

Their total control will be complete once these three things are done, and so will we. There is really only one thing that stands in the way. The Constitution of the United States and it limitations. We have been taken down one piece of legislation at a time. We can not restore ourselves that slowly as time is now to short. We must demand ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws be rescinded and the lawmakers that made them FIRED.

Ken Lowder

Catch the Constitution Flu!

Catch the Constitution Flu! Why? Because the Constitution Matters!

Its time to take the protest to the next level and make our representatives listen to us, WE THE PEOPLE! Let the national strikes begin! Catch the Constitution Flu. Spend those ‘sick’ days away from work and making purchases. Starve the beast of our income taxes and sales taxes. Let your ‘elected representatives know on the phone and by e-mail that you have had enough of them not listening. Let them know that passing socialist bills in congress without reading what they are signing is not acceptable. Stand on the street corners with a Constitution Flu sign and show the public and the press that you have had enough. Let the press know that their support of the socialist take over of America is over! Visit small business and request they close in support. Explain how they are being put out of business by these UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws.

The next outbreaks are on sept 5-8 over Labor day,sept 11-13 to support the national march on washington dc with a march to your state capitol if you can’t make it to dc yourself. Plan on a big one on Nov 4-7 to celebrate obama’s ascension to what he thinks was his coronation. Future outbreaks will be listed at the sites linked below.

Catch the Constitution Flu and Pass it on!

Ken Lowder

and the issue is?

What is the issue that we all can rally around? Is it healthcare? Guns? Taxes? Spending? The IRS? Corrupt politicians? etc, etc, etc. Folks, how can we become a force to be reckoned with if we are all over the map on the issues? Please remember that these folks in washington have very short attention spans. If you can't get to the point and/or you don't have a pocket full of cash they won't hear you. These elected officials can not even read the bills that they are passing.

How about this, The Constitution of the United States! Lets rally around that ignored, abused, tattered, and most important document we have next to the Bible. Lets tell our politicians to stand by and follow the Constitution and its limitations or we will limit them right into jail or worse. This current crop of politicians has led this nation to the brink of failure and they all must go.

If we are lucky we may see a election in 2010. We need to elect new representatives. The entire House of Representatives is up for re-election. They all need to go by their primaries. None of them are fit to return. Many will say that they have voted against these bills that have the public so outraged. So what! The Cap and Trade bill passed the house with a bare majority. If it hadn't been eight RINO's from the GOP it wouldn't have passed at all. Had any of the so called conservatives stood up on their hind legs and filibustered the bill it would not have even come to a vote.

This lack of a spine is why they all must go. As of right now 57% of americans polled think no one should be re-elected. 57%! Lets push to bring this to around 80% by election time! We currently have these politicians to scared to face us at an unrestricted town hall meetings. Lets make them to scared to run in the next election.

Look for, find and support candidates who will support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Don't listen to our current politicians who say that they have gotten the message. We have all heard that lie before. Time is short as the filing deadlines are rapidly approaching. Tell the party that you support that you are leaving until they get someone else to run as you will not vote for an incumbent. Get off the couch and register to vote. Register with a third party so the GOP can see the lose of support.

Rally around the Constitution of the United States and its limitations on our government. This is how we can restore our country and our way of life. Join me in catching the Constitution Flu to help get the message to washington.

Ken Lowder

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The left is running scared

The left is really running scared. All it took was one man with a legally carried AR-15 rifle slung on his back. The uproar from the left and the rino center still has me laughing! One honest, civil, clean cut, well dressed, ARMED, American had them quaking in their granola.

This example is what the second amendment is all about. Putting fear in the hearts of evil government officials. This is where the real power lies. It's in the hand of it's citizens with the means and the will to say NO! to them and enforce it. The government has no problems with sending in armed troops to send one kid back to cuba. They have a real problem with one armed citizen in a crowd.

If we really want to return our government to it's Constitutionally required place this is what we need to do. We must arm up and tell these evil politicians it's time for them to go. God gave us free will. Will you let these evil people take it from you? I look at the 29th rally at the state capitols to be the defining turning point. Either they will respect the people and the states rights or we must take them back by ALL means at our immediate disposal.

Ken Lowder

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hows this for a representative!

This is the beautiful thing about video cameras. They can catch democrats live and unscripted! Here is the dis-honorable Sheila Jackson Lee in action. A good friend, Tracy Miller, is attempting to ask her a question about national healthcare. The racist ms. lee couldn't get off the phone to listen to the question! This is why americans are so dissatisfied with all our un-representative representatives.

My friends this is why our march on the capitol is so important on the 29th. Our state must be freed from the grip of this beast. Please go to Gerry's site,, and sign the petition for Texas state sovereignty or secession. It's plain that we are not being represented in Washington DC. We need to get our state reps to stand up and say NO! to this kind of conduct from our national reps. If they refuse to recognize our rights under the 10th amendment then we must leave or live under tyranny.

It is time to stand up and be counted. No longer can this type of disrespect be accepted by freedom loving people. The line in the sand has been crossed and these un-representatives must go. There are a thousand cliches that could go here, but i'll just say 'those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.' I know history and I am prepared for it.

Ken Lowder, Free Man

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Constitution Flu is more than just a one day event.

It's time to go beyond just a one day event like a tea party or a 'Go Galt' day. Most folks don't know who or what Galt is. I read ATLAS SHRUGGED in high school more years back than I care to remember. I doubt it's on the required reading list now. Everyone can associate with the flu though. Anyone who's had it knows is last a couple of days. With most folks getting the weekends off I'm calling for it on the end of the week or the beginning of the week.

Let the first outbreak be on the 30-31 of July with the weekend to follow. Say at home with your family and friends. Have a BBQ with them and talk about why we must protest to save our country. Call all our un-representative representatives and give them and earful. Plan to be in the street corners for the next outbreak with your Constitution Flu sign and blue surgical masks. That next outbreak will be August 31 and September 1 with the weekend leading up to it. If you are not on the corner go visit the small businesses and explain why they should close down for the flu. Our government always tells folks to stay home if they have the flu so they might as well close down for the next outbreak which will be the labor day weekend on September 7-8. How good is it to have a strike while we celebrate from our labors? Lets reflect how the government takes and wastes our hard earned money. This should do for a good start.

The next weekend is the big march on Washington DC. If you are going there take your flu mask with you. Nothing will drive the officials crazy as a bunch of covered faces. They won't be able to say much as it's a good thing for folks in large groups to cover up to prevent disease transmission. ;-) If you can't make it to DC please be at your state capitol and surround them there.

Next we'll start working on the boycotts.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Take it to the next level

It's time to take it to the next level. Call it the Constitution Flu, my favorite, or Go Galt day its time to start the national strikes. The tea parties were and are still great but they are too easily ignored as they happen mostly on weekends or holidays. Lets shut things down near the middle of the week instead. Contact all your favorite small business and urge them to shut down due to the flu outbreak.

Let July 30-31 be the first outbreak of the Constitution Flu. Spend those days at home not spending any money. Let the yahoo's in congress hear from you all day long. Go to their nearest office an give their staff and earful. Then enjoy a long weekend.

August 31-1 september will be the next outbreak of this growing epidemic. Take it to the street corners with your n95 masks in place and Constitution Flu warning signs. Visit all open business and encourage them to shut down. Again visit your reps offices and give them an earful of flu symptoms.

9/12 is the next big tea party set to take place in washington dc. If you can't make it to DC plan to attend at your states capital. Most state capitals can be reached in a few hours so please plan to attend there and surround the Ba$812d$ in a sea of n95 covered faces. Take the 11th off to plan and travel if need be.

Let Nov 4th be the biggest day yet to call down the usurper! We want millions in the streets! To do this we must build up just like the tea parties did. Spread the word NOW! Start NOW! START BOYCOTTING ALL THE ADVERTISERS OF THE LEFTIST SUPPORTING PRESS! They chose to ignore the tea parties, well lets see them ignore their advertisers leaving due to boycotts.

More to come.

Ken Lowder

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We have nothing to FEAR but FEAR itself

I've read a lot of reasons here and other places as to why a third and fourth party won't work and so we need to rehab the republican party. I'm reminded of a cliche credited to Albert Einstein 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results'. How many times over the last 20-30 years have you heard about our need to reform the GOP? How's that working out? Given the lack of success and the dire straights we conservatives and constitutionalists are in can we really afford to waste time repeating failed history? With the left branding us as terrorist how much time do we have to act before the arrest begin? Do we really expect the party of evil lite to help here?

I think fear plays to a lot of the thinking here as well. Fear of an unknown party, fear of change, fear of the left with fear mongering by the GOP leadership, and fear of loosing power.

Yes, it is a risk in changing parties for a new and untested party. Members of the Whig party did that in 1848. In 1861 they saw their first president elected. He was a one term former whig US congressman named Abraham Lincoln. His fellow members overcame their fear and became a national party in less than twenty years all without TV, Radio, or the internet. So much for their fear of change or a new party.

Fear of the left and fear mongering by the GOP has been used a lot over the last 20+ years. If you don't vote for us the other side will take over! Sure we have our faults but we are not as bad as the other side! The old lesser of two evils cry. The public got so tired of that useless claim the other side finally did win! The GOP's worst fear did come true and they really lost power! Do we really want to waste more time trying to reform a party of losers that is still using the lesser of two evils argument?

All attempts to reform the Republican Party over the last twenty years have failed! It's time to get over that and move on. Many nations have more then two parties and form coalition governments all the time. We conservatives can elect conservatives if we band together and just do it. We need party discipline for those who say one thing and do another. We will have to be true to our ideals or the public will soon reject us. NO RINO types allowed.

To those who say it can't be done please enjoy your status quo. Those like me will do the heavy lifting and move past you. Good luck with your reforming the GOP.

Ken Lowder

Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama breach of trust.

Obama and the neo-socialist left really messed up this week. In a major breach of trust they floated a idea of making Veterans pay for their continuing health care for service connected disabilities. If there was one group the left needed to keep on their side its the military. The military support groups were on the left's butt in a big way.

First of all it's the employers responsibility to take care of work related injuries. Mine and your personal insurance never covers these types of injuries. After the member retires or is discharged from the service these injuries are called pre-existing condition and again its not covered. That means the service member will be required to pay for it. Thanks for your service dude. Sorry for your injuries, here's your bill. So much for a enlistment contract.

If insurance carriers are required to provide coverage this will lead to major price increases to cover their expanded cost. Battlefield injuries are devastating to the member and expensive to treat. Many insurers may just fold and get out of the business due to these cost. That of course means the taxpayer will again have to pick up the slack while we are losing our own choices for health care coverage due to this government interference.

Young men and women thinking about serving will think again about the cost. If the government can bail out on their responsibilities now, what will they fail you on out in the future. You just won't be able to trust them. Members who are serving now will leave while the getting out is good and they are still healthy. It just won't be worth the risk.

This, of course, is a strategy of the left to weaken the military. If they all leave they can form their civilian corps without interference or worry the military might not back their power play when the public revolts. Only their faithful will serve as the brown shirts to keep the public in line.

Thankfully a few courageous officers and enlisted folks are challenging Obama right to be president in court. As more military folks see this the voice of opposition in the military will grow louder. I foresee a major effort by the left to block the military vote to try and offset their outrage. Good luck with that.

We are heading for a major confrontation and the left is running as fast as they can to prepare for it. Are you ready? Where will you stand? As for me and my house we stand for the Constitution, God, Liberty, and our Country!

Ken Lowder

Monday, March 9, 2009

This parties getting interesting.

I think this Tea Party idea has taken hold. Parties are springing up all over like prairie wild flower blooms in the spring. Most major cities are having one on the 15th of April. Nothing like a tax protest on national tax day. I'm going to host one as well.

I'm going to be in Austin Texas at the capitol steps on the 15th under my banner of 'One Angry Taxpayer'. This is not and will not have anything to with the Constitution Party. My local county party can't provide support for political reasons. I can't provide a better reason as I don't have one.

I ask you to be a 'One Angry Taxpayer' as well and join me in Austin, or be one on your capitol building as well. This protest needs to be at your capitol building if you can make it. We need to do this at the capitol for several reasons.

1. Time is short. Our 'leaders' in congress are moving at warp speed in Washington DC to implement the socialist takeover of America. They are not listening to us in small voices.

2. The dilution effect. Many small parties all over the state in towns and cities are easy to ignore. Time is short and we need a large visible party to be seen in the national news. Lets get as many folks as possible together in one spot.

3. Its where our state politicians are. Most legislatures are in session now and for them April 15th is a work day. Lets show up where they work. They need to see we are angry, not hear about it from some staffer at the home office, which may not be in your town.

With the exception of Texas, Alaska, and maybe California most folks can get to their capitol in an easy half a days travel. With our Governor and state reps there, I want them to see me and I want to see them. I will be gathering signatures on two petitions. One will be for the legislature to enforce the 10th amendment on states sovereignty. The other will be calling on the governor to reign in our state delegation in Washington DC.. Any one who votes for a bill they haven't read, like the latest 'stimulus' bill doesn't represent anyone.

I hope to see you there or on the news.

Ken Lowder

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tea Parties, more planning needed

The problem I have with these tea parties was the lack of planning and notice. I found out about ours in Houston the day before. This resulted in poor attendance and very little press coverage. We need to organize this on a national level, WELL PUBLICIZED in advance.

Here is my suggestion. First, everyone needs to submit a new W-4 with the maximum allowances. Every tax day you should owe money. That which you give in excess may not be given back and you can bet it will not be applied to next years taxes.

Second, On April 15th take the day off and join a protest at your capital building. I plan to burn a copy of my W-4 on the capitol steps. If your from Texas I hope to see your there.

Third, July 4th, lets all meet on the mall in Washington DC. Bring another copy of your W-4 and we will have a Texas sized bonfire on the mall!

NO POLITICIANS ALLOWED. They can watch from the capitol building. I will not be interested in hearing their voices on that day. They will only hear OURS!

Ken Lowder
Constitution Party.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

No Morale Authority

Our national leaders no longer have any morale authority to lead. They all recently passed on a spending bill without reading it. The neo-socialist democrats all said it was to important to delay. This 1100+ page bill was put out to our 'leaders' desks less than 24 hours before it was voted on. None of then stated that they had read the whole bill. I bet they only read the parts that dealt with the pork that they wanted in the bill. No other heavy reading is needed as long as you got yours in the bill. It's all good after that.

President obama proved he lied when it took him several days to sign the bill after it passed. President obama said he needed it now. He had a temper tantrum when the republicans didn't just sign off on it like his cronies did. He said they were not working in a bipartisan way. Excuse me but all republican proposals were rejected outright by his socialist democrats.

The republicans showed a surprising amount of back bone in standing firm against this bill. Except for three RINO's all of them rejected this bill. Too bad they didn't do that years ago, they might still be in power. Now if they would start purging their party of all the rino's people might start believing in them. This will not happen of course. This is why all of the politicians in washington must go. None of them can be trusted.

There are now calls for tea parties, as in the "Boston Tea Party" back in revolutionary times. Yesterday and today these rallies are being held around this nation. This is due to the details starting to come out to the public. A few governors are publicly rejecting this bill due to the strings attached to the money. Maybe the leftist press and these socialist politicians will pay attention and repent. I'm not going to hold my breath. They will just dismiss this as rhetoric of the bitter, bible believing, gun totting folks in flyover country. Just pass a few more stimulus bills and we will go away.

They can't be more wrong. History shows that socialism fails every time. Socialist however have never met a history lesson that they can't re-write. The only real question is will they be thrown out in 2010 and 2012, or will we descend into more despair and fracture as a republic. Given that the republicans can't be trusted to lead if in power I'm not real hopeful. Will we unite under a third party and throw the bums out? I've done my part and changed parties. Will you?

Ken Lowder
Constitution Party

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Do you know? Cause our elected officials don't

Do you really know whats going on with the economy? I hope you do, cause its apparent that our elected officials and the bureaucrats don't have a clue. Congress just passed a bill that NONE of them read. If they tried to read this stimulus bill, they had to read 1100 pages in less the 24 hours. Can you do that? I can't and I love to read. So soon we will hear their outrage at this pig in a poke when the details come back to bite them.

When the details of this latest stimulus package hits you, you will be outraged at what it cost you and how little it does. You were told it will be used to build and repair infrastructure. True, to a point, some time after 2010 or later. What will it do now? Not much if you are out of a job. It will extend your unemployment benefits a few more weeks, but it will do little to bring new jobs in the near term. That is unless you are looking for a job in the government. There is going to be a big increase in the size of the government. Remember welfare reform during the clinton years that the republicans rammed through? It got a lot of folks off the welfare lifestyle and back to work. It has been repealed with this bill. Boy will your representatives be outraged when you bite them in the butt over that.

Rest assured they are good at outrage for not knowing. They were outraged at the SEC and the banks when the foreclosure crisis and the banking crisis hit. They are outraged that the banks can't account for the 350 billion of taxpayers dollars that they have received. They were outraged when the treasury department couldn't tell them where an additional two TRILLION in bank loans went. There was a run on the banks to the tune of 550 billion and they don't know who was behind it. According to some in congress it was a near thing. What, you didn't hear about it from your congressmen? Cut and paste this link in and see. Talk about scary!

Have you heard about the commercial loan crisis? What commercial loan crisis? It's the next big thing to hit real soon. All of these businesses that are going bankrupt all have outstanding loans to the tune of trillions. When Circuit City, Linens and Things, Landry's restaurants, and others close what happens to the buildings? They go back to the lessor, who has a bank note and no real prospect for a new lessee. Is your congressman or senator talking about it. Want to bet they will be outraged when this shoe drops?

I don't know about you, but I am outraged these folks are breathing the same air as me. These members of the 'Know Nothing Parties' have no business running the business of government. They are outraged at CEO's of banks, peanut butter factories, car companies, etctera. Yet they know nothing until it falls down and goes boom in our laps. Then they are outraged that they might not get re-elected. When pigs where lipstick and fly. They always get re-elected.

We are in real trouble here. We are in a deep recession if not a depression and these folks are in outraged denial. God help us all, cause these folks never know anything.

Ken Lowder
Constitution Party

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Godless and Godly politicians need to be watched.

Whats the difference between godless and godly politicians? Not much, both need to be watched and pretty much for the same reasons. Neither should be trusted out of sight and never out of mind.

For the godless that's pretty simple as to why. Those who have no God think the are a god onto themselves. They answer only to their conscious and no one else. Anyone who thinks different is the enemy and needs to be destroyed, or they are delusional and need to be put away. With no God, life and time is short to get done what they think needs to be done. If you dare to get in their way you deserve to get run over.

The godly think God is on their side all the time. They are on a crusade of the righteous all the time. Being against them is being against God. You rights to be different is of no concern at all. The fact that you have the right to reject God is of no concern to them and is a reason to oppress you into the dust. Some religions give them the right to even kill you for rejecting their god.

Many politicians claim to be godly. This however, not seen in their public lives. They claim this is due to the "separation of church and state". Their public lives of course are serving the state. They state they do not support certain policies that are ungodly BUT, they can't vote against them as this would be pushing their religion on others. Every election they tell us how they try, but the ungodly block them. These are probably the most deceitful and dangerous.

Any politician who claims religion but doesn't vote with his religion is a liar and is hiding their true religion. Those who have no religion are a religion onto themselves and all others are deluded and dangerous. Those who are godly are on a crusade against the godless who need to convert or get out of the way. All need to be watched all the time.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Temper tantrum in chief

Well, well, well. President obama has already lost it. The other day he had a major fit because the republicans in the senate would not toe the line on his stimulus spending package. He reminded the republicans, "we won the election". He reminded me of a kid chiding others to play by his rules or he will take his ball and go home. Where have we heard such a line before? Oh yea, "we are the president" billary, complaining on the defeat of her healthcare takeover.

Well he should be happy today. He got three RINO's to go over to his side and pass the package out of the senate. These three RINO's shot the republican party in the foot again. They could have put the whole stimulus package onto the backs of the democratic party. Now when this pork package fails to fix the economy the democrats can claim it was the republicans fault too. Why the republican party doesn't kick these losers out of their caucus is beyond me.

Its friends like these that will finally take the republican party the way of the dodo and the whig party. As a member of the Constitution Party this can't happen soon enough. A smart party would purge itself from this type of people. A smart party would let the democrats run the whole show and be fully responsible for its failure. It will fail. It failed during the first depression and it will fail during this depression. Given the type of politicians we have in Washington DC it can do nothing but fail.

The main problems that led to this depression still remain. Homeowners that are facing foreclosure are still there and nothing in this bill will fix it. The dollar is still weak and will get weaker with the coming inflation. More banks are failing and will fail. The commercial property failures have yet to begin. We as a nation produce less and less every year. As the government spends more money less is available for investment and starting up of manufacturing.

The lack trust in the government and our current socialist system will cause its demise. The government policies that caused these problems will only get worse. The politicians only see the government as the cure or solution. They never see that they are the problem. Socialism never last long before it collapses under its shear weight and burden on the people. The only real question then is, will the union hold together or will it fracture into large chunks? Will we fall into fascism or will we throw off the shackles and win back our freedom?

Are you prepared? Are you just a sheeple? Are you ready to fight for your freedom? Are you a slave to the government or are you a free person?

Ken Lowder
Member Constitution Party

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hypocrits against the war.

Once again Israel is fighting against those who hate it and have vowed to kill all the jews. Hamas and the citizens who elected it to power have declared an end to the truce and fired more rockets into Israel. Israel responded back and Hamas and the citizens who elected them are dying. This time Israel seems intent on killing all of hamas in Gaza once and for all. Hamas seems to have underestimated their support around the world. The majority of the world seems tired of hamas.

A surprising few of the liberal left have once again stood up on their hind legs and protested against Israel. They claim Israel is fighting a premeditated war. They say its premeditated as Israel is targeting hamas leaders, command and control centers, and supply depots. In a nation that is always under attack I find it stupid that they believe Israel doesn't have contingency plans for attack by their enemies. Do they think we here in the United States don't have plans in place should we be attacked by our likely enemies? I sure hope not!

Their next complaint is that Israel is targeting civilians or not doing enough to protect them from collateral damage. Excuse me folks but the hamas killers who started this war are hiding once again behind the skirts of women and bodies of children. All the while they continue firing rockets at Israeli civilian population centers. The response from the left is of course the sound of silence.

Israel only wants peace. They only attack after repeated attacks. Hamas, the PLO, as well as most of their neighbors publicly state they want to destroy Israel. The killers and their supporters them whine that the Israeli response was disproportionate to their provocation. To many civilians, that they hide behind, are killed. They have even been found to stage photo ops for their allied press. Your whine is heard and ignored.

It is written in the bible by God speaking to Israel, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you." I and my house will serve the Lord and pray for Israel and learning for its enemies.

Hamas and its supporters have made their choice. Now they can live or die with those choices. Hamas and those who elected them have the power to end the war. Stop firing rockets into Israel and agree to never do it again. Israel wants nothing in Gaza but peace. I do not here the complaints of how poor the Palestinians are. They have plenty of money for rockets, suicide belts and bullets. Convert their swords into plowshares and enjoy peace and prosperity. Its not rocket science.

Ken Lowder
Constitution party member