Monday, September 7, 2009

The three biggest issues to take total control

All of this comes back to the Constitution and how its been trashed. There are three things happening now or in the near term that will completely enslave us and only a civil war may restore our Republic and the Constitution. If we want to avoid this we need to get off out butts and united to RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION.

Food - The NAIS laws and the new agriculture regulations that are coming into effect will control what we eat. These regulations give total unconstitutional control to the government. This is all in the name of food safety. You and I will not even be able to grow gardens or raise a few chickens on the side. We will need to register with the government, provide a plan of what we intend to grow, set up setbacks to prevent contamination of our gardens, give the government unlimited rights to inspect our property and books, ect. It will be impossible to comply and the fines for non-compliance are astronomical. These laws and rules are already in effect. Some will say that the NAIS law is voluntary. So is paying income taxes. You volunteer at the point of the governments gun. This is the most dangerous law to me. Folks will put up with a lot as long as their bellies are full. Hungry people are the most dangerous. Starving folks will follow anyone who promises them food.

Cap and Trade - Control of our energy by its means of production and its uses. This one has already been approved in the House of UN-representatives. It is also on the fast track in the senate. The nuclear option has been threatened in that should the senates version be approved the two bills will just be combined by a simple majority vote and sent to obuma for signature without a reconciliation bill be put forth for a vote. This is all under the name of saving the planet from global warming or climate change as its called now. Never mind that warming and cooling has been around since the planet came into existence and the science has been proven to be junk. This is really all about controlling our means of production and its uses through controlling the energy we need to survive and to thrive.

Health care reform - Lastly control of whether we get to live or die. The right to control our health treatment and say what we get treated for and how is just outright total communism. The state will totally take over our health care and say what they will and won't pay for. Are you too young of too old to produce for the state? Tier two for you. Are you right in the middle, well tier one for you. There will be no other options for you to use. Your keeping your own health insurance is a lie. As soon as your private insurance makes ANY changes to your policy you must take the public option. Also private insurance will never be able to compete with the public trough. Private doctors and hospitals will close under the burden of government regulations and mandates. They are already doing it now.

Their total control will be complete once these three things are done, and so will we. There is really only one thing that stands in the way. The Constitution of the United States and it limitations. We have been taken down one piece of legislation at a time. We can not restore ourselves that slowly as time is now to short. We must demand ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws be rescinded and the lawmakers that made them FIRED.

Ken Lowder

1 comment:

Foxwood said...

A man one with my way of thinking. Salute.

Do you believe the Constitution is the rule of law?
Do you believe in the original intent of our founding fathers?
Do you want to reform Congress? If your answer is yes, we have
to work together to make this happen.