Monday, September 7, 2009

Catch the Constitution Flu!

Catch the Constitution Flu! Why? Because the Constitution Matters!

Its time to take the protest to the next level and make our representatives listen to us, WE THE PEOPLE! Let the national strikes begin! Catch the Constitution Flu. Spend those ‘sick’ days away from work and making purchases. Starve the beast of our income taxes and sales taxes. Let your ‘elected representatives know on the phone and by e-mail that you have had enough of them not listening. Let them know that passing socialist bills in congress without reading what they are signing is not acceptable. Stand on the street corners with a Constitution Flu sign and show the public and the press that you have had enough. Let the press know that their support of the socialist take over of America is over! Visit small business and request they close in support. Explain how they are being put out of business by these UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws.

The next outbreaks are on sept 5-8 over Labor day,sept 11-13 to support the national march on washington dc with a march to your state capitol if you can’t make it to dc yourself. Plan on a big one on Nov 4-7 to celebrate obama’s ascension to what he thinks was his coronation. Future outbreaks will be listed at the sites linked below.

Catch the Constitution Flu and Pass it on!

Ken Lowder

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