Saturday, November 22, 2008

How evil is the left?

Yesterday, I got a lesson on just how evil the left really is. As many of you know I work as a paramedic in a hospital. I was taking a pregnant woman up to the labor and delivery floor. As we walked down the halls her husband complained that they had waited at LBJ hospital for four hours after being triaged and they had not been taken to L & D. LBJ is one of the county hospitals in Harris county Texas. He then espoused on how great the free medical care in Canada was. I tried to explain to him that nothing is free and waiting for months for medical test and surgery is not great. Canadians with the cash or insurance regularly come to the United States instead of waiting. As I was leaving after dropping her off he said it was so great that doctors made house calls to weed out people who didn't need to go to the hospital. I told him there wasn't enough doctors to make house calls for 300 million americans. His reply was that they should. I said doctors were not slaves. Thats when he said, "well, they should be".

Well, they should be? How bad has America gotten that what was once the most respected of professions are now to be enslaved? I am all for people getting good health care, but enslaving doctors and all medical staff? I don't think so! You and I have the right to health care, but we also have the duty to pay for it. I don't have to pay for your care. I am a free man, just like all the other 300 million plus american citizens. No one has the right to enslave another so they don't have to pay what they owe. No one has the right to put a gun to my head and say give me your money. That's called armed robbery. When the government does it it's called taxes.

This is what's wrong with the left and the entitlement class that they have created. They think they have the right to enslave others to do their will or fulfill their needs. This is why socialism is just plain evil. Now we are faced with what happens when folks forget their history. The left is prepared to enslave others all in the name of their needs. The former Republican party freed the slaves. The Democratic party formed the KKK to suppress the former slaves. The democrats then formed the entitlement class with the New Deal and the Great Society programs.

Now the socialist now have control of the government. The Republicans lost because they tried to become democrat lite to appeal to the entitlement class. They didn't point out as the economy tanked that the democrats implemented the policies that led to the foreclosure crisis. When the republicans made a weak attempt to reign in the spending it was the democrats that blocked it. The rest is history and you and I are paying for it.

Ken Lowder
Member Constitution Party

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chron's liberal support for illegal aliens

Once again the Houston Chronicle shows it's liberal bias in its reporting on immigration issues. The liberal shill, Lisa Falkenberg, completely ignores the illegal part of entering the United States in her piece. In citing un-named studies she points out that 43% of those illegal aliens in prison committed misdemeanors. She omits to mention that means 57% of them committed felonies. She also fails to differentiate between illegal immigration and legal immigration. She states that most immigrants are law abiding. As the many commentator points out 100% of ILLEGAL aliens commit a felony just by entering the U.S. ILLEGALLY. If you add on driving without a license or insurance, false id's and identity theft to get jobs, you only begin to touch on the crimes the chronicle supports.

With this stand, the Houston Chronicle supports the loss of jobs and the suppression of wages to honest americans and legal immigrants. Many unethical employers pay these illegals under the table. That means the taxes that you and I pay are not being paid to the treasury. No income taxes, no medicare taxes, no social security taxes, ectera..... This puts honest businesses at a clear disadvantage in the market place. Given that we are currently in a recession if not the beginning of a depression, this it totally abhorrent to a honest open, and free society

The cost to our infrastructure is totally ignored as well. Our schools are impaired with 'undocumented' immigrant children, who can't even understand the language they are being taught in. Every one is held back while these kids catch up. Our hospitals are inundated to provide health care without any compensation. While it is a right, legally, morally, and ethically to provide health care to all sick persons, it is also a duty to pay for it. It's plainly illegal, immoral, and unethical not pay for your services. All the honest americans and legal immigrants pay these cost of illegal's services to the degradation of our economy. The threat to our lives due to a poorly educated populace and closed hospitals is of no concern the these evil supporters.

No society has ever survived for long when its national integrity, identity, and security is ignored as the Houston Chronicle and Lisa Falkenberg would advocate. One wonders how the chronicle and its shill's would fare then.

Ken Lowder

Friday, November 14, 2008

Washington's $5 Trillion Tab

Five trillion dollars. It's a mind boggling amount that only the government can comprehend. Forbes is reporting the best estimated tab for the current financial crisis is at least five trillion dollars. Has anyone heard this from our elected officials? Of course not. They cannot even tell us where the two trillion the treasury recently lent out went to. Why not? The treasury is refusing to tell anyone where the money went , thats why. It's plain to me there is no such thing as congressional oversight. Why would that be? In a word, Denial, that's why. If they don't know about it they can express outrage when the public finds out the cost being laid on our backs. At that point though nothing can be done as the money is gone. The only road through this crisis is a deep recession if not a long lasting depression. Those elected will only charge the other side with being at fault and then promise things will change if we only elect more of their party. If pigs wear lipstick and fly.

Fixing this crisis will take a fundamental shift in thinking and management. We must stop throwing away out capital and let these institutions fail. Their failure is already a forgone conclusion. Their failed management remains unchanged and the reason for the failure will still be there when the public money well runs dry. With no money available after the final failure the recovery will be prolonged if at all. A wise man said the first thing you must do when you find yourself in a deep hole is to stop digging. Lets stop digging and fill the hole with the buried bodies of these failed companies and their political supporters..

Contact your representatives and let them know your displeasure. Demand they stop wasting YOUR money prolonging failure. If they don't listen leave their party and tell them why. Nothing gets a politicians attention faster than losing support and voters. If your state has a recall process then start a recall. Even if they survive the recall attempt, the expense and the effort will help change their conduct. Be in their face daily. E-mail them and call them all the time. Fear of a pissed off electorate is a great thing for finally getting things done.

Ken Lowder
New Constitution Party Member
Baytown, Tx

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Time for the republican party to depart the scene

It's time for the republican party to fold. The party of Lincoln no longer serves those who are its base and believe in its written core values. Just as Lincoln left the whig party I have left the republican party for the Constitution Party. I believe God, our rights to liberty, and I believe I and all others have the right to life and the fruits of their labor. The republican party says they believe this, but the actions of their leaders show otherwise. The selection of John McCain as their candidate proves this. Look up the word RINO in the political dictionary and you will find his picture. America totally rejected this no change campaign policy. They did not, however reject conservative values. If you look at issues on the ballots about taxes, gay marriage, english language, and others you will see they were voted for and carried with a large conservative voice.

We, the conservative lovers of America need to stop being afraid of being called names. We need to denounce those in power who use hateful names against us to further their evil agenda. Being against illegal aliens is not racism or being racist. It's being about being for the protection of America and protection of those legally here. Loving God and following his laws is not imposing a theocracy. It's about being moral and upright. It's about being truthful and doing what's right to others. We need to call evil, evil. That is exactly what it is. It is not another life style. It is not a cultural difference. It's evil, plain and simple. Please don't make excuses for it or try to use some other word for it, call it what it is, EVIL. Shine a light on it and show the world what we really stand for and against.

We have our work cut out for us over the next few years. I know those evil folks in power will hang themselves with their evil policies. We need to stand up and get the word out when they act. We need to not let them revise history and blame the other party when these action lead to the harm for all americans. We know the root cause of the housing crisis was due to the policies of the democratic party, yet the republican party got all the blame. Why? Because they didn't get the truth out to the people and because of traitors in their party willingly assisted these evil policies for their own gain.

It is written " those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it" Please learn our history before those in power rewrite it and we repeat those deleted mistakes. Please STAND UP and get the word out. Be counted, be a light for liberty, be one for God.

Ken Lowder
Constitution Party