Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chron's liberal support for illegal aliens

Once again the Houston Chronicle shows it's liberal bias in its reporting on immigration issues. The liberal shill, Lisa Falkenberg, completely ignores the illegal part of entering the United States in her piece. In citing un-named studies she points out that 43% of those illegal aliens in prison committed misdemeanors. She omits to mention that means 57% of them committed felonies. She also fails to differentiate between illegal immigration and legal immigration. She states that most immigrants are law abiding. As the many commentator points out 100% of ILLEGAL aliens commit a felony just by entering the U.S. ILLEGALLY. If you add on driving without a license or insurance, false id's and identity theft to get jobs, you only begin to touch on the crimes the chronicle supports.

With this stand, the Houston Chronicle supports the loss of jobs and the suppression of wages to honest americans and legal immigrants. Many unethical employers pay these illegals under the table. That means the taxes that you and I pay are not being paid to the treasury. No income taxes, no medicare taxes, no social security taxes, ectera..... This puts honest businesses at a clear disadvantage in the market place. Given that we are currently in a recession if not the beginning of a depression, this it totally abhorrent to a honest open, and free society

The cost to our infrastructure is totally ignored as well. Our schools are impaired with 'undocumented' immigrant children, who can't even understand the language they are being taught in. Every one is held back while these kids catch up. Our hospitals are inundated to provide health care without any compensation. While it is a right, legally, morally, and ethically to provide health care to all sick persons, it is also a duty to pay for it. It's plainly illegal, immoral, and unethical not pay for your services. All the honest americans and legal immigrants pay these cost of illegal's services to the degradation of our economy. The threat to our lives due to a poorly educated populace and closed hospitals is of no concern the these evil supporters.

No society has ever survived for long when its national integrity, identity, and security is ignored as the Houston Chronicle and Lisa Falkenberg would advocate. One wonders how the chronicle and its shill's would fare then.

Ken Lowder

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