Friday, November 14, 2008

Washington's $5 Trillion Tab

Five trillion dollars. It's a mind boggling amount that only the government can comprehend. Forbes is reporting the best estimated tab for the current financial crisis is at least five trillion dollars. Has anyone heard this from our elected officials? Of course not. They cannot even tell us where the two trillion the treasury recently lent out went to. Why not? The treasury is refusing to tell anyone where the money went , thats why. It's plain to me there is no such thing as congressional oversight. Why would that be? In a word, Denial, that's why. If they don't know about it they can express outrage when the public finds out the cost being laid on our backs. At that point though nothing can be done as the money is gone. The only road through this crisis is a deep recession if not a long lasting depression. Those elected will only charge the other side with being at fault and then promise things will change if we only elect more of their party. If pigs wear lipstick and fly.

Fixing this crisis will take a fundamental shift in thinking and management. We must stop throwing away out capital and let these institutions fail. Their failure is already a forgone conclusion. Their failed management remains unchanged and the reason for the failure will still be there when the public money well runs dry. With no money available after the final failure the recovery will be prolonged if at all. A wise man said the first thing you must do when you find yourself in a deep hole is to stop digging. Lets stop digging and fill the hole with the buried bodies of these failed companies and their political supporters..

Contact your representatives and let them know your displeasure. Demand they stop wasting YOUR money prolonging failure. If they don't listen leave their party and tell them why. Nothing gets a politicians attention faster than losing support and voters. If your state has a recall process then start a recall. Even if they survive the recall attempt, the expense and the effort will help change their conduct. Be in their face daily. E-mail them and call them all the time. Fear of a pissed off electorate is a great thing for finally getting things done.

Ken Lowder
New Constitution Party Member
Baytown, Tx

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