Monday, October 26, 2009

Time to say NO!

It's time to change the tune of this song. It's time to say NO! to politicians at all levels and those who support them. No more will we pay your taxes. No more will we buy the products or use the services of those who support you. No more will we obey your laws. No more will we convict people for doing this either.

You do not listen to us when we say we don't want these laws and tax bills so we no longer listen to you. We will not assist you in anyway shape or form. We are on strike against the government and those who willingly aid and abet in the destruction of the Constitution of the United States and our American way of life.

Now is the time to stop calling congress about bills we don't like. It's a waste of air and internet time. Tell your congressional rep that they are fired and that you will be ignoring their laws. They can try to enforce them at their own peril. Tell them that they have yet to pass a law that meets the muster of the Constitution. Since the laws don't meet the Constitution's limits or requirements they are not laws that you or I will obey. When Pelosi, Reid, and others scoff at us ON CAMERA! when asked if the laws are constitutional we have all the information we need to make a right decision.

Our state and local politicians are no better. Every day more and more restrictions are placed on our liberties. Sure they use good excuses but the truth is it's really about income for the government and control. We do not want or need a nanny that the government wants to put on us from the time we get up until the time we go to bed.

They all took an OATH to protect, defend and OBEY the Constitution of the United States of America and to the states that they serve. If they will not obey the Supreme Law of the Land why should we obey them?

I say NO! You should too or get used to saying 'yes master' to these evil people.

Ken Lowder

1 comment:

sofa said...

"Laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."
- SCOTUS, 1803, Marbury vs Madison

Politicians too.