Saturday, February 28, 2009

No Morale Authority

Our national leaders no longer have any morale authority to lead. They all recently passed on a spending bill without reading it. The neo-socialist democrats all said it was to important to delay. This 1100+ page bill was put out to our 'leaders' desks less than 24 hours before it was voted on. None of then stated that they had read the whole bill. I bet they only read the parts that dealt with the pork that they wanted in the bill. No other heavy reading is needed as long as you got yours in the bill. It's all good after that.

President obama proved he lied when it took him several days to sign the bill after it passed. President obama said he needed it now. He had a temper tantrum when the republicans didn't just sign off on it like his cronies did. He said they were not working in a bipartisan way. Excuse me but all republican proposals were rejected outright by his socialist democrats.

The republicans showed a surprising amount of back bone in standing firm against this bill. Except for three RINO's all of them rejected this bill. Too bad they didn't do that years ago, they might still be in power. Now if they would start purging their party of all the rino's people might start believing in them. This will not happen of course. This is why all of the politicians in washington must go. None of them can be trusted.

There are now calls for tea parties, as in the "Boston Tea Party" back in revolutionary times. Yesterday and today these rallies are being held around this nation. This is due to the details starting to come out to the public. A few governors are publicly rejecting this bill due to the strings attached to the money. Maybe the leftist press and these socialist politicians will pay attention and repent. I'm not going to hold my breath. They will just dismiss this as rhetoric of the bitter, bible believing, gun totting folks in flyover country. Just pass a few more stimulus bills and we will go away.

They can't be more wrong. History shows that socialism fails every time. Socialist however have never met a history lesson that they can't re-write. The only real question is will they be thrown out in 2010 and 2012, or will we descend into more despair and fracture as a republic. Given that the republicans can't be trusted to lead if in power I'm not real hopeful. Will we unite under a third party and throw the bums out? I've done my part and changed parties. Will you?

Ken Lowder
Constitution Party

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