Friday, August 14, 2009

Hows this for a representative!

This is the beautiful thing about video cameras. They can catch democrats live and unscripted! Here is the dis-honorable Sheila Jackson Lee in action. A good friend, Tracy Miller, is attempting to ask her a question about national healthcare. The racist ms. lee couldn't get off the phone to listen to the question! This is why americans are so dissatisfied with all our un-representative representatives.

My friends this is why our march on the capitol is so important on the 29th. Our state must be freed from the grip of this beast. Please go to Gerry's site,, and sign the petition for Texas state sovereignty or secession. It's plain that we are not being represented in Washington DC. We need to get our state reps to stand up and say NO! to this kind of conduct from our national reps. If they refuse to recognize our rights under the 10th amendment then we must leave or live under tyranny.

It is time to stand up and be counted. No longer can this type of disrespect be accepted by freedom loving people. The line in the sand has been crossed and these un-representatives must go. There are a thousand cliches that could go here, but i'll just say 'those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.' I know history and I am prepared for it.

Ken Lowder, Free Man

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