Sunday, June 6, 2010

It all comes back to obeying the Constitution or not.

How can our leaders have any claim to legitimacy when they so blatantly refuse to obey and follow the Constitution? When they refuse to fulfill the laws of our nation and publicly condemn those who do, are we morally and legally required to follow them? When they show their disrespect and disdain for the laws of our nation they show that they are not leaders but rulers.

A case in point is the recent brouhaha over the Arizona illegal immigrant law. This law is a mirror of federal law brought down to a local level of enforcement. It even goes farther than federal law in that it makes racial profiling illegal and punishable under the law. Being typical Washington DC politicians, they have voiced strong opposition to the law without having read the bill. Given that the bill is only ten pages long, not thousands like a federal bill, it only proves that these politicians are illiterate. Not content with criticizing the law they invited a corrupt leader, from a failed narco state, to come to Washington DC and lecture us from the podium in the capitol building. The head of ICE has publicly stated that his agency, the one charged with enforcing immigration laws, may not deport any illegals that are caught by Arizona law enforcement officials.

Then there is the second amendment issue. Obuma has stated that he is not going to take our guns away. That is the truth, sort of. It's the U.N. that going to do that under the small arms treaty that Hillary signed on behalf of the United States. Once the advise and consent requirement is passed by the US Senate, obuma can can say it's not him taking our rights away, but the UN requirements. The fact that as president he ordered and authorized Hillary to sign it is irrelevant.

The most recent scandal of our ruling class is the attempt by this administration to buy off political opponents with offers of cushy federal jobs. At least two candidates for high office were offered jobs to resign from a race so that the administration favored candidates would win the primary and hopefully be re-elected. This, of coarse violates the law regarding interfering with an election. Given the mood of the public regarding incumbents, this kind corruption will only backfire and may rise to the level of an impeachable event.

Lastly there is the fine example put up by the ruling class on not paying their taxes. It never ceases to amaze me how many government officials are caught not paying their fair share. You know about that fair share thing. The one that if we don't pay we go to jail. These millionaires get off with a small fine and they have to pay the back taxes. They then go back to business as usual. We the little folk of coarse get a chance to live off the government dole in Leavenworth prison for the same offense. So much for equal protection under the law.

The willful failure of our leaders to obey and follow the Constitution is why our nation is in so much danger, both from within and without. Protecting the lives and property of American citizens is the first and foremost duty of the government. Signing away our personal inalienable rights is not something that either the congress or the president has the right or authority to do. Trying to do an end run around the Constitution to do that is just plain TREASON!

It is time, Mr. and Mrs. America, to change how this game is played. If your elected official won't obey the Constitution, then it's time to demand that they depart. If they will not go peacefully then we must drag them out kicking and screaming. If they want to be our leaders then they must lead by example and obey the Constitution of the United Stated and our laws. All unconstitutional laws must be repealed and the government returned to it's constitutional limits. Treaties that violate our personal inalienable right must be declared null and void.

When we go to the polls this year we need to drive out those who have shown their scorn for the Constitution regardless of their party affiliation. We need to reject party loyalty and give our loyalty to those who support and obey the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the path back to a strong and free America.

Ken Lowder

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