Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why should we obey federal laws?

If the federal government refuses to enforce the federal immigration laws, why should ANY federal laws be obeyed? What is the point of having any laws if they are ignored or selectively enforced at the governments whim? If the laws of our land are indeed selectively enforced doesn't that violate our most sacred legal precept, Equal Protection under the Law?

Obuma and his administration have repeatedly refused to enforce our immigration laws which resulted in Arizona coming up with their new law, which mirrors federal law. When it comes to equal protection it even goes farther in protecting against racial profiling, the most common complaint from the liberal left. Obuma has ordered his Justice Department to conduct a review as to the constitutionality of the new law. When questioned about it by Congressman Ted Poe, R-TX, Attorney General Holder admitted that he did not know what the bill said as he had not read it. This is an all to common thing with DC politicians and bureaucrats. High ICE officials in the obuma administration are now saying that they may not process any of the illegal criminals that are brought in by the local Arizona Police. If ICE is not going to enforce the law when these criminal are just handed to them, What's the point?

The President now wants to know what went wrong on the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He has appointed a commission to see if we need new laws or were our laws just not enforced. I would speculate that the laws were not enforced as that seems to be the modus operendi of the government regulators. That is unless the blowout was just an accident due to an unexpected and uncontrollable release of methane hydrate. It should also be pointed that the lead agency for enforcing these laws, The United States Coast Guard, has seen its budget cut and may lose 3000 jobs this year alone. The point is what good will any new laws be if the government, regardless of which party is in charge, just ignores them at their whim?

Now I see some communities are issuing 'ID Cards' to any and all who wants one no questions asked. A community organizer on Fox News 'Maria Jurga' stated that it was to show solidarity with the illegal community. She and others like her are encouraging her fellow citizens to get these cards too to support the illegal community. I have spoken on this before about those who support the illegal community. These folks are criminals before and after the fact. These supporters are now a whole lot easier to identify. They now have their own community ID card. All that needs to be done is get a warrant and seize their computer data base and pick them up.

By the time this is posted to my blog I will have contacted my three congressional critters from Texas. I will demand to know why I should obey any federal laws. I have already made out my w-4 to the max allowed by law. You should do this too. Come next April 15th I will have to pay some instead of giving them an interest free loan. Knowing the way that things are going down the tubes we might not get the excess back. I am not going to obey healthcare reform, cap and tax, or give up my God or guns. I will demand that they grant me amnesty instead.

It's time to stop following their rules. Its time to make our own rules.

Ken Lowder

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