Well, well, well. President obama has already lost it. The other day he had a major fit because the republicans in the senate would not toe the line on his stimulus spending package. He reminded the republicans, "we won the election". He reminded me of a kid chiding others to play by his rules or he will take his ball and go home. Where have we heard such a line before? Oh yea, "we are the president" billary, complaining on the defeat of her healthcare takeover.
Well he should be happy today. He got three RINO's to go over to his side and pass the package out of the senate. These three RINO's shot the republican party in the foot again. They could have put the whole stimulus package onto the backs of the democratic party. Now when this pork package fails to fix the economy the democrats can claim it was the republicans fault too. Why the republican party doesn't kick these losers out of their caucus is beyond me.
Its friends like these that will finally take the republican party the way of the dodo and the whig party. As a member of the Constitution Party this can't happen soon enough. A smart party would purge itself from this type of people. A smart party would let the democrats run the whole show and be fully responsible for its failure. It will fail. It failed during the first depression and it will fail during this depression. Given the type of politicians we have in Washington DC it can do nothing but fail.
The main problems that led to this depression still remain. Homeowners that are facing foreclosure are still there and nothing in this bill will fix it. The dollar is still weak and will get weaker with the coming inflation. More banks are failing and will fail. The commercial property failures have yet to begin. We as a nation produce less and less every year. As the government spends more money less is available for investment and starting up of manufacturing.
The lack trust in the government and our current socialist system will cause its demise. The government policies that caused these problems will only get worse. The politicians only see the government as the cure or solution. They never see that they are the problem. Socialism never last long before it collapses under its shear weight and burden on the people. The only real question then is, will the union hold together or will it fracture into large chunks? Will we fall into fascism or will we throw off the shackles and win back our freedom?
Are you prepared? Are you just a sheeple? Are you ready to fight for your freedom? Are you a slave to the government or are you a free person?
Ken Lowder
Member Constitution Party
1 comment:
We alrady have--what?--four or five states making plans to leave the union?
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