Monday, August 16, 2010

Time to get past talking and push back!

So we have been talking, protesting, calling, and writing for months now. Are the politicians listening? Yes they are and many are running scared. The GOP claims to have seen the light, but we have heard this before. Even now they can't hold their members in line to keep a radical socialist off of the Supreme Court.

The Republicans claim that they will overturn the socialist agenda if we just vote in the GOP back into power. Again we have heard this before. Even if the GOP takes over the House, which is a good possibility, so what? Maybe on the outside chance they get a stronger presence in the senate will it change anything really? At best only to a limited degree. It may slow down the march to socialism. The party of socialism lite, otherwise known as fascism, even in the best case will not have the votes to overturn the bills that have passed. Should the communist in the democratic party unite in fear with the fascist of the Republican party and overturn these unconstitutional laws, the chances of overriding a presidential vote or executive order are nil. You can bet that that reason alone will represent a great opportunity for the fascist party (GOP) to exploit for political reason in 2012.

This election we need to focus our rage razor sharp if we want to turn it around in 2012. This fall vote out ALL incumbents regardless of party. BOTH parties, the communist democrats, and the fascist republicans are both responsible for passing these unconstitutional laws over the years that have dragged this great nation down. Both in the face of our wrath and disgust say that they have gotten the message. The evil socialist say that they will slow down, The lesser of two evils party say that they have changed. When pigs where lipstick and fly! Most members of congress have been there a long time. That is the problem and they are not any part of the solution. If we revolt and throw out as many incumbents as we can we will send a message throughout the halls of Washington DC. It will also send a message to the productive members of this country that we can change Washington. We will tell them that we don't have to accept more burdens on our God given freedoms and our wallets.

Know that this will just be the start of the real fight for America. The unproductive members of society will see this change in the wind too. It will be a big threat to their cushy way of life. The communist democratic party and the fascist republican party will exploit their fear to the max for their political gain. They will sing campaign promises of 'vote for me to save your benefit rights' that keep us economically enslaved now. Yes it will be THE real fight.

So this election chose. Chose continued economic slavery, or chose to fight for your God given freedoms. The time to chose is now. Chose freedom.


Ps, communism: All power the economy and production placed in the hands of the government. Fascism: government controls economy and most means of production, but not necessarily owns it. Please explain to me why this doesn't define our two current ruling parties.

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