Monday, April 12, 2010

Vote Them Out!

Is the 2010 election about electing republicans over democrats, or should we do something more important and substantial?

Many think we should vote out the democrats and only vote for republicans. Will that really change things? Was this problem really caused by just the democrats? OH HECK NO! Both parties are responsible for this mess. The democrats only accelerated this fall of our country.

Both parties need to be sent a message of who is really in charge. Both parties need to go and we need to flex real muscle. Lets throw out ALL INCUMBENTS! Let both parties know that they work for us. Let them know we can and will get rid of them one way or another. They all must pay the price of thier treason for not listening to us.

The democrats know that their days as a clear majority are numbered. Many are retiring ahead of the coming election. This will let them nominate a candidate to tell the electorate what they want to hear. They will push hard in the meantime to get their agenda through. Look ahead for cap and trade again, immigration reform, ratifying UN treaties like LOST and children's rights, Obama's new arms treaty, and possibly a value added tax in addition to our regular income tax to raise revenue to pay for all of this.

The Republicans still don't have the REAL conservative religion yet. Those in congress now are just pandering to the masses for re-election. Most of them are in favor of some type of health care reform, immigration reform, and other things that we don't need or want. They just don't want it as fast or as far as the democrats. Lets not forget it was the republicans, led by John McCain, that gave us the recently overturned McCain-Fiengold act, otherwise known as the incumbent protection act. It should be remembered that at one time the GOP was in charge as the majority. Did they shrink the size of our government, or was the 'contract with America' a failure in the end? Did the lame attempt to reform fannie mae or freddie mac work? Does anyone think that they will win enough seats to overturn these unconstitutional and treasonous acts? Do you think that they will have enough votes to override a presidential veto? Even the republican leadership is backing off their promise to kill the health care bill. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) , Senate candidates Mark Kirk of Illinois, Rep. Mike Castle, (R-Del.) have also backed off their repeal the bill stance.

Is the GOP really backing or putting forth real conservative candidates? I recently saw the darling of the latest conservative movement, Sarah Palin, publicly endorsing Senator John McCain! GET REAL! The leadership of the GOP is still partying like its 1999 at the nudity bars. Some party members are calling for GOP leader Steele to resign and he is playing the race card! Here in Texas we are having a runoff between Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Both are expert career politicians, not real conservative by any stretch of the imagination.

Its time for a real change that this country can live with. The change needs to be in our attitude about career politicians. This primary season vote against ALL INCUMBENTS in a voice that cannot be ignored. Nothing says that 'We the People' are in charge like telling a politician 'Your Fired' and tossing them out of office. Come this november election vote against ALL remaining incumbents. If we do this the GOP leadership and the conservative movement will be changed for real. We will be able to force them to give us real conservative, Constitution supporting, candidates. We then can force a repeal of these laws, secure our borders, reform our taxes, and make America a strong world leader again.

We can of course just vote for the lesser of two evils again. Some will say that that voting against republican incumbents just plays into the democrats hand. Truthfully that is just voting for evil and you get what you sow, just maybe at a slower level. How was that working out before the last election? Will voting for the lesser of two evils really change what is happening in Washington DC? In a word, NO! Vote of a third party CONSERVATIVE candidate if one is available. If there is not one just withhold your vote or, write in your vote for a conservative that you respect in your district.

Remember nothing says ' We don't love your anymore' like voting them out of office.

Ken Lowder,

1 comment:

sofa said...

Need some "Restore the Constitution", or there is no point in voting for statist A or marxist B (who cares?). There is a dearth of "Liberty" candidates.