Thursday, December 1, 2011

CONgress critter vote for treason.

Howdy all.

    I recently contacted my CONgress critters about the provisions in the defense spending bill. It allows the indefinite detention of anyone, including US citizens, designated unprivileged enemy combatants. It includes those caught here in the US. That's right folks, you and me. Arrested, taken away, and never heard from again. No trial, no lawyer, no one knows what happened to you. Write something, like this blog, and you make it on the governments enemies list.  White, Christian, male, former military, conservative, libertarian, small government supporting, gun loving, have more than 7 days of food in your house, support constitutional limits on government, prefer gold and silver to paper fake money, your on the list.

Only one critter responded with something other than a robo letter.   senator hutchinson responded with the letter below.  I guess she is trying to say that we are wrong in our beliefs that US citizens can be held forever.  Sorry folks all you have to be is called someone supporting forces engaged in hostilities against US or coalition forces.  Even more telling was an amendment by senator Udall that expressly protected US citizens.  It was defeated with hutchinson and cornyn voting against the amendment.   I accuse them all of treason for this bill.  Get on the phone and email NOW!  When it passes you can expect that date to be the official MAY DAY date for the US!  Just disagree with the way the government is going and end up disappeared into a detention camp.  These folks make FDR and Lincoln proud.

Dear Friend:     

Thank you for contacting me regarding the new provisions for detainees proposed in Sections 1031 and 1032 of S. 1253, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012.  I welcome your thoughts and comments.       

Section 1031 of the NDAA establishes guidelines to allow U.S. Armed Forces to detain “covered persons” captured during hostilities as unprivileged enemy combatants, pending disposition under the laws of war.  The provision defines a “covered person” as a person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.  This provision also applies to individuals who support al Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners.       

Section 1032 requires U.S. Armed Forces to hold in custody as an unprivileged enemy combatant any person who is a member or part of al Qaeda or an affiliated entity, and who participated in planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.  The requirement does not extend to citizens of the United States.  Also, the Secretary of Defense is authorized to waive required detention.       

S. 1253 has passed the Senate Armed Services Committee, and is currently awaiting consideration by the full Senate.  Should this legislation be brought to the Senate floor, you may be certain that I will keep your views in mind.        I appreciate hearing from you, and I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me on any issue that is important to you.  


Kay Bailey Hutchison United States Senator  

284 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC  20510
202-224-5922 (tel)
202-224-0776 (fax)

Makes you all feel warm and fuzzy don't it?